Sunday, 12 February 2012


Are you sick of winter gulls? If you answered yes then you are not a larusphile. I never get bored of Gulls so on Saturday I headed on down to Hartlepool Headland for another look at the white winged gulls and perhaps get some more improved shots of the Kumlien's, Glaucous, and perhaps Iceland. Sadly no Iceland seen during the hour or so I was there, however the Kumlien's put on a cracking show as did the Glaucous, the lack of any Iceland Gulls was made up by the presence of a fairly stunning 1st winter Little Gull.

 (Glaucous Gull - © Andrew Kinghorn)

(Glaucous Gull -  © Andrew Kinghorn)

 (Little Gull - © Andrew Kinghorn)

 (Little Gull - © Andrew Kinghorn)

 (Kumlien's Gull - © Andrew Kinghorn)

 (Kumlien's Gull - - © Andrew Kinghorn)
Greyish wash to most of the outer primaries can be seen here even in this fairly distant image.

(Kumlien's Gull - © Andrew Kinghorn)
The presence of what was once a tail band can be seen here. 

Sadly Uni work is almost certainly going to stop most play, probably only manage to get out once a week for next few weeks. So if you don't hear from me for a while that's why.

Until next time, Foghorn out!


  1. some congratulations are in order, not many have ever seen the 'third wing' shown by Kumlien's Gull as a defense mechanism againt northerners and larophiles, and to photograph it so stunningly takes real skill ;)

  2. You should be finding Iceland gulls in your lunch break Andrew!

    1. Your right Steve! I am sure I have had one from the Uni Cafe but didn't want to commit to add it to me Sunderland Uni list (kept in head).

  3. Great pictures Andrew, well done!
